
Alternating Current chapter 16

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A/N: I do not own any characters from the Pixar movie Cars. I do own my own characters; Rafael, Fluke, Linda, Agneta, Voltz, Titania, Fahrenheit, Maximo, Sleipner, Galvani, Faraday and Louis.

I do not own Sønnico, I just work for them. Any likeness to real persons or events are just a coincidence, and a product of my imagination; NOT REAL.

Alternating current

By: Little Red Toyota

Chapter 16:

Titania was secretly stalking Voltz after the day had ended. Not that she had any purpose with it, she just wanted to be near him.

She was careful not to rev her engine, or get too close. Making sure he wouldn't see her. He had stopped in a park not far from the HQ, and now he had laid down in the soft grass, half-asleep. She stopped behind a tree and studied him secretly.

"Hello, Titania!"

She swirled around as she heard someone talking to her. It was Tengai, she held back a annoyed sigh. Instead she smiled, but it felt more like a sneer than a smile.

"Hello, Tengai…"

"What are you doing?" he asked curious, but friendly.

"Umm.. nothing… nothing at all, just taking a drive in the park."

"Can I join you?"

She really had to hold back a angry scream, but she smiled again. "Sure…"

Tengai raised an eyebrow as they started driving down the path. Voltz was laying in the grass not far from where he found Titania. Was it just a coincidence that she had been there?

He wasn't sure if he wanted to know…


Agneta drove down the ramp from the second floor, wanting to take a quick shower, but realized that Fluke had occupied it when he came home from work. She heard the sound of running water behind the locked door and sighed, but decided to stand outside and wait until he was done. He hadn't talked to her in a long time now, their friendship had gotten so weird. Now she was almost happy that she was going to leave in just one week.

Without really thinking of what she did, she peeked through the keyhole, but didn't really see anything inside. Just a brief glimpse of Fluke's tailgate as he was rubbing himself dry with a towel.

Suddenly the door was ripped open, and they stood face to face, only a millimeter between them. Their eyes met, halfclosed. She could feel his breath against her front.

It's happening… she thought and closed her eyes to receive a kiss. But Fluke just broke away and drove past her, up to his room.

She opened her eyes and stared disappointed at him before going into the bathroom. How was it possible to muster up such self-control??

She slammed the door behind her, locking it and turning the water on. She bit her own tire in frustration until it started bleeding.

"You damned, stubborn truck!" she snarled as she licked her wound, totally ignoring the fact that she was the one that told him to stay away from her. She had really expected him to keep trying to hit on her…

Angry, she took the shampoo and started to soap herself in with a sponge.


It was early morning as Fluke, Sleipner and Voltz was standing on the rooftop in front of the door. Sleipner's tire trembled in excitement as he put the key into the lock and turned it. The click sent a chill down their frames, all of them were curious as a kitten now.

Sleipner looked back at the two older cars as he pushed the door open. It opened with a creak and revealed a small dusty room. It was empty, but the walls had a quite unusual wallpaper.

"Guys… look at this." Sleipner let them drive past him as he pointed a tire at the walls.

"Looks like some kind of map…" Fluke muttered and narrowed his eyes in the dim light. Then he turned his headlights on to see better. "It is a map…"

Voltz tried to take it down, but it was glued to the wall. "It will rip if we try to take it…"

Sleipner pulled out pen and paper from his console. "Let's copy it!" he beamed as he started to draw.

Fluke looked at a small text at the bottom of the map. "It's dated back to 1869…"

"It's older than Sønnico. It have to come from some other place…" Voltz mumbled thoughtful.

"From the church…" Sleipner stated.

"The map is older than the church too, the church was buildt in 1910…" Fluke said.

"So… where could it come from? It must have been moved from somewhere to Piperviken church, and then moved from Piperviken to this room…"

"Mmm… but maybe it's irrelevant? Maybe this map will lead us to the treasure."

Sleipner studied the map. "It looks familiar… I think this place…." He pointed at a big forest-like area. "… is the airport. That means this map leads us out of Oslo…"

"…and closer to where Rafael lives." Voltz stated.


"Yeah, seems like it… the dot is north from the airport."

Fluke leaned closer, trying to read another text, but stuttered so much Sleipner had to take over.

"Open sesame…??" Sleipner read and then scratched his roof. "Makes no sense…"

"No… but we should go there this weekend to look for this place." Fluke said and drove out.

The others sighed. They had thought the hunt would end here… but then it had just been another clue…

"Ballsack!" Voltz cursed as he and Sleipner also left the room and locked the door behind them.

The hunt was not over at all….

To be continued….
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I finally managed to kick my ass to write more...
Trying to bribe :iconace-fox: to write another chapter of "Loose treads"... ;)
© 2010 - 2024 LittleRedToyota
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Lady-Abby26's avatar
Well, I can see the emotional tension isn't over yet for Titania and Voltz, and Agneta and Fluke. 
I can't wait to see where this map leads. I was wondering if Voltz, Fluke, and Sleipner were going to find another clue to this mystery.